An update! Wonders never cease! Yes yes you have heard it all before from me. So lets see…My excuse(s) this time is that I (1.) Got a part-time gig in the Gettysburg College Theatre Department managing and making the costumes in addition to my previous scenic painting contract work with them, (2.) I have become obsessed with writing, mast particularly a series of novels that have grown out of my experiences with NANOWRIMO, and (3.) my boys do not nap anymore, thereby eliminating all the time I used to have to get work done.
All that being said I have managed to get myself into a juried art show! Our trusty local Adams County Art Council sponsors this show every year at the Schmucker Gallery on Gettysburg College Campus. I have been meaning to enter into it for some time but the timing always seemed to escape me. Anywho I finally applied and got accepted. If you happen to be in Gettysburg June 3-24th you will be able to view the show at the Schmucker Art Gallery Tues-Sun 10-4. My included works will be two paintings that I completed while we were living in the Netherlands. Post Card for the show and my entries: