Leif and Art Auction

Well as you can probably tell by how long it has taken me to update this page, I am now the proud mother of a two-month-old little boy.We call him Leif (pronounced ‘Layf’) which means ‘heir’. This little heir has dominated most of my time these last few months so I have no new work to show you but I do have a couple news updates:
Once again I will be participating in the Art for Life Art Auction to support the work of the Whitman-Walker Clinic. This year’s auction will be held at the Carnegie Institute in Washington DC on November 12th.Check out the clinic’s website for more details.I am donating this piece entitled ‘Boston Common Gate’ The bidding starts at $450. I hope you will consider participating in this worthy cause.

Also any of you who have looked at my etsy account in the past year might have noticed a few paper crane mobiles that I made out of recycled materials.I recently sold the lot of them to a hip Colorado company called Amazing Recycled Products .Check them out if you get a chance.They have some cool stuff.

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